5 Inexpensive Ways to Entertain Kids This Summer

It’s summertime and school is out. Keeping the kids busy during the summer can get expensive, but it doesn’t have to. Here are a couple of fun, inexpensive ideas to keep everyone entertained.  

Arts and Crafts  

A perennial frugal favorite, arts and crafts can be inexpensive and are always popular with the little ones. If it’s a nice day, try handing the kids a pack of sidewalk chalk and let them create their own summer universe on your driveway or patio. You can wash it away when the fun is over, or leave the masterpiece for more fun the next day. If it’s raining, have some indoor fun with homemade play-dough. Give the kids some dough, cookie cutters, plastic utensils, and be sure to spread a tablecloth under their work area to protect your floors.  

Get Out the Garden Hose  

Summer is a great time for water play. For classic fun, just turn on the sprinkler and let the kids jump in and out. Fill a water table and throw in some bath toys, or if you don’t have one you can simply use a large storage bin filled partly with water. For a fun water activity, try filling a few smaller plastic containers with water dyed different colors with food coloring. The kids will enjoy pouring the water from one container to another and mixing the colors together to see what happens.  

Head to the Library  

Another frugal source of entertainment is your local library. Libraries usually make a great effort to provide activities for kids in the summertime, all aimed at keeping them reading while school is out. There are usually storytimes geared toward specific age groups, reading competitions, craft activities, and more. Even without any special events, libraries can simply provide a cool retreat on hot summer days. You can read and pick out books to enjoy at home, rent movies, and find new music to enjoy together.  

Go Camping in Your Backyard  

For some low-cost fun, take the little ones camping in your yard. During the day, set up a tent and the rest of your campsite, and eat and play outside. Once night begins to fall, sit outside together with lanterns and flashlights, toast some marshmallows over the barbecue, and watch the stars come out. When bedtime rolls around, anyone who wants to can sleep outside, but the comfort of home is just a few steps away.  

Go on an Adventure  

If it’s not too hot, get out of the house and go on an adventure. With younger kids, just going on a walk can be an exciting outing. Get your shoes on, pack some water and snacks, and go check out your neighborhood. See how many different kinds of flowers you can find, or start a small rock collection. Make your adventure about discovering a new place, or seeing a familiar place with fresh eyes.  

With a little creativity, you can provide your kids with fun low-cost activities this summer. Keep them moving, keep them learning, and enjoy their company because they’re only young once.

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